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Image showing man and woman laughing and dancing. Text on image says “How VIJOICE works.”

It all starts with a mutation in the PIK3CA gene

The PIK3CA gene makes a number of proteins, including the PI3Kα protein. This protein plays a key role in telling your cells when to grow and divide. It also sends signals to regulate how other proteins function throughout your body. 
To explain the underlying cause of PROS and how VIJOICE works, let's focus on this relationship:

The PIK3CA gene makes PI3Kα proteins, which send growth signals.

PIK3CA gene makes PI3Kα protein, which sends growth signals.

About cell division

Illustration of PIK3CA gene in cell.

Cell division is a normal, healthy process that helps your body grow.

Illustration of mutated PIK3CA gene in cell and too much cell division occurring.

But a mutation (abnormality) in the PIK3CA gene can cause your cells to grow and divide too much. This PIK3CA mutation causing too much growth is the underlying cause of your PROS condition.

What’s going on inside the cell

When functioning properly, the PI3Kα protein sends a steady stream of growth signals, which results in normal division and growth of cells.

Illustration of normal PI3Kα protein sending out a proper amount of growth signals.

But a mutated PIK3CA gene creates a faulty PI3Kα protein that consistently sends out too many growth signals, resulting in excessive cell division and growth.

Illustration of faulty PI3Kα protein sending too many growth signals.

VIJOICE can help slow down the signaling.

VIJOICE blocks extra growth signals sent by this faulty PI3Kα protein before they can lead to too much cell division and growth. Slowing down the excess cell division helps reduce the symptoms of PROS—while still allowing normal cell growth.

Illustration of VIJOICE blocking extra growth signals sent by the faulty PI3Kα protein.
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Why am I taking VIJOICE?

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VIJOICE may help with your PROS condition. VIJOICE is not the same as other types of medications you may have tried in the past. It treats the cause of your PROS condition.